Бруклинский ботанический сад основан в 1910 году и занимает площадь 52 акра. Более 700 000 посетителей в год.
Часы работы:
Вторник - Пятница с 8-00 до 18-00
Суббота, Воскресенье с 10-00 до 18-00
Понедельник закрыто
Стоимость входа:
Взрослым 15$
Старше 65 лет 8$
Подростки старше 12 лет 8$
Дети до 12 лет бесплатно
Founded in 1910, Brooklyn Botanic Garden is one of North America's premier public gardens. A 52-acre urban oasis situated in the heart of Brooklyn, New York, it annually hosts more than 700,000 visitors from near and far and inspires them to explore how plants are essential to life. Guided tours, seasonal public programs, and discovery workshops provide interpretation and entertainment for all ages and interests.
Along with displaying world-class collections of plants and specialty gardens, BBG is deeply committed to education, community outreach, and scientific research, and is a trusted source of information about horticulture, botany, and the importance of conserving plants and protecting the environment.