Serving Clients in the DMV area and Nationwide
One of our major areas of expertise is immigration law, which is federal law and applies equally to all states. Since most immigration filings are done by mail, we can successfully represent clients wherever they live or do business. We utilize email, FedEx, fax, and phone extensively, so distance makes no difference in representing you whether you are in-state or far away. On the other hand, when there is a need to represent you in person, such as in court or federal immigration administrative agencies, our location in the area where all of these agencies are concentrated provides you with a trusted person right where you need them to be.
For other areas of law our attorney is licensed in the States of Virginia, Maryland, District of Columbia and New York.
In the Washington D.C. area, which combines at least three jurisdictions, you need to have a lawyer who can advise you on how your out-of-state acts would affect you in a neighboring state. If you have an international contract, however, most likely it would be governed by the laws of the state of New York. Being licensed to practice law in all four states our attorney can provide you with the most comprehensive legal advice. Our Office is conveniently located in the heart of Northern Virginia business district and is easily accessible.
In addition, Attorney Elizabeth Krukova is a member of the Court of Appeals for the 3d, 4 th and 9 th Circuit. She is also a member of federal courts in Virginia, Maryland, and District of Columbia, which allows her to represent clients not only in state courts, but also in federal courts concerning cases when one of the parties comes from out of state, or where the amount of controversy exceeds $75,000 or when one of the parties in a lawsuit is a federal agency.
Our attorney
Attorney and founding partner, Elizabeth Krukova, Esq. has been admitted to practice as an attorney in New York, Maryland, District of Columbia and Virginia. Having completed her Masters Degree in Law from Indiana University School of Law in Bloomington, Indiana, USA, Ms. Krukova has over ten years of experience as an attorney. She is a member of multiple professional associations, including American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) and has often been invited as a speaker in presentations and in the media. Ms. Krukova practiced law with major international law firms in Washington D.C. She also practiced immigration law with a non-profit organization, the Office of Refugee Resettlement, helping many foreign nationals to obtain legal status in the United States. She continues to donate her time to this organization providing legal advice to those in need.
The American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) is the national association of over 10,000 attorneys and law professors who practice and teach immigration law. AILA Member attorneys represent tens of thousands of U.S. families who have applied for permanent residence for their spouses, children, and other close relatives to lawfully enter and reside in the United States. AILA Members also represent thousands of U.S. businesses and industries who sponsor highly skilled foreign workers seeking to enter the United States in a temporary or – having proven the unavailability of U.S. workers – permanent basis. AILA Members also represent foreign students, entertainers, athletes, and asylum seekers, often on a pro bono basis. AILA is an Affiliated Organization of the American Bar Association and is represented in the ABA House of Delegates. Attorney Krukova is currently a Member of AILA.
The American Bar Association (ABA), with approximately 370,000 members, is the world’s largest voluntary professional association. The Association has long served a dual role as advocate for the legal profession and for the public. With the growing complexity of society and our legal system, the Association’s public role has gained both emphasis and breadth. The ABA is comprised principally of practicing lawyers, judges, court administrators, law teachers, public service attorneys and many non-practicing lawyers who are business executives, government officials, etc. The ABA represents state and local bar associations as well as practitioners in specialized areas of the law. It represents affiliated, law-related organizations and groups with specialized interests or needs such as administrative law judges, lawyers in the armed forces, and minority and women’s bar associations. Attorney Elizabeth Krukova is a Member of ABA.
Maryland State Bar Association (MSBA) is the state organization of the legal profession. It is comprised principally of practicing lawyers, judges, court administrators, law teachers, public service attorneys and many non-practicing lawyers who are business executives, government officials, etc. The MSBA represents practitioners in specialized areas of the law. It also represents affiliated, law-related organizations and groups with specialized interests or needs such as administrative law judges, lawyers in the armed forces, and minority and women’s bar associations. Attorney Krukova is currently a Member of MSBA.
The Virginia Bar Association (VBA) is a voluntary organization of Virginia lawyers committed to serving the public and the legal profession by promoting the highest standards of integrity, professionalism and excellence in the legal profession; working to improve the law and the administration of justice; and advancing collegial relations among lawyers. Attorney Krukova is currently a Member of VBA.
The Virginia Trial Lawyers Association (VTLA) is a voluntary statewide bar association formed in 1960 to promote professionalism and competency within the trial bar. VTLA has several thousand attorney members across the state who litigate in a variety of areas, including administrative, family, criminal, Workers’ Compensation, and personal injury law. VTLA also has law student and paralegal/support staff members across the state. The Association is committed to educating its members with outstanding continuing legal education programming, and educating the public about trial lawyers and the importance of the jury in our justice system. Attorney Krukova is currently a Member of VTLA.
Elizabeth Krukova, Esq. is a member, in good standing, of the following Federal and District Courts:
United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit
United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit
United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit
United States District Court for the District of Columbia (Federal)
United States District Court for the District of Maryland (Federal)
United States District Court for the District of Virginia (Federal)
О компании:
· Представляем интересы клиентов на территории 50 штатов
· Говорим на 8 языках
Области практики:
· Иммиграционное право
· Семейное право
· Бизнес/Корпоративное право
· Международные сделки
· Судебные процессы
· Банкротство
· Нотариальные услуги
· Завещания и трасты
Елизавета Крюкова – высококвалифицированный адвокат и основатель компании National Capital Legal Services в г. Вашингтон (округ Колумбия, США). Это ведущая юридическая фирма, которая имеет репутацию одной из самых стабильных и надежных на всем восточном побережье США. На данный момент, компания имеет 2 филиала: в Техасе и во Флориде.
Юридическая практика в США
Свой высокий авторитет компания National Capital Legal Services заработала благодаря качественному обслуживанию клиентов на протяжении многих лет; правильно подобранной команде сильнейших юристов, а также огромному юридическому опыту самой г-жи Крюковой. Адвокат Крюкова занимается юридической практикой уже почти 20 лет, и ее квалификация говорит сама за себя.
На данный момент адвокат Крюкова:
· имеет степень магистра права;
· имеет лицензию адвоката в четырех штатах США (DC, MD, VA, NY) и как результат имеет право практиковать иммиграционное право во всех штатах США;
· является членом окружных судов 2-го, 3-го, 4-го и 9-го округа;
· является членом Федерального суда штатов Мэриленд, Вирджиния и округа Колумбия;
· является членом нескольких профессиональных ассоциаций, в том числе Американской ассоциации иммиграционных адвокатов (AILA), Американской ассоциация адвокатов, Ассоциации адвокатов штата Мэриленд, Ассоциации адвокатов штата Вирджиния, Ассоциации судебных адвокатов штата Вирджиния.
Образование получила в вузах двух стран: сначала в Московском институте права в России, а затем в Университете права в г. Блумингтон (штат Индиана, США).
Прежде, чем открыть собственную практику, работала юристом в крупных международных юридических фирмах в г.Вашингтон. Получила там внушительный опыт в вопросах корпоративного права (стратегические слияния, поглощение компаний, международные транзакции и т.д.).
Собственной юридической компанией National Capital Legal Services адвокат Крюкова руководит уже более 17 лет.
Услуги адвоката Крюковой и ее фирмы
Каждый из сотрудников компании National Capital Legal Services является профессионалом в определенной области права, поэтому компания предоставляет достаточно широкий спектр услуг, включая семейное, гражданское, корпоративное, бизнес-право и международные сделки. Но основной сферой практики все же является Закон об иммиграции и абсолютно все, что с ним связано.
Сотрудники компании также владеют следующими языками: английским, амхарским, га, мандарин, немецким, румынским, русским, тайским, тигринья, украинским, французским, эве.
Адвокат, Елизавета Крюкова, консультирует клиентов как на територии США, так и за их пределами.
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