Found 14

Category selected «Attorneys, Lawyers, Notaries» в городе New York City.

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Immigration attorney


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Tanya Gendelman, P.C

New York City, New-York

New York City, 3033 Brighton 3rd St, Brooklyn, NY 11235

It can be very difficult to face circumstances that are far beyond you control, especially if you are seriously injured. We understand the emotional trauma and how difficult it can be to move forward in life while suffering both physically and emotionally.
Our legal team is here to do everything to restore our client’s quali...
The Law Office of Alexander Paykin, P.C.

New York City, New-York

New York City, 45 Rockefeller Plaza 20th Floor, New York, NY 10111

We are a general litigation practice, focusing on the everyday needs of New York residents and small business owners.  While we would like to be able to assist you with all of your legal matters, we will only take on what we know.  However, if we are not able to represent you with the utmost confidence, we will help you f...
Tsiring and Feldman, PC

New York City, New-York

New York City, 1713 Sheepshead Bay Rd, Brooklyn, NY 11235, 200 S Andrews Ave STE 100 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301

Tsiring & Feldman, P.C. practices in the following areas of law:
Family & Divorce
General Civil Practice
Real Estate
Criminal Defense
Personal Injury
Business Law

Our Law Firm offers a full range of services in an efficient and cost-effective manner. We take pride in our work and in the ...
Русскоязычный Нотариус штата Нью-Йорк

New York City, New-York

New York City, 20 W 20th St, New York, NY 10011

Все виды нотариальных услуг (доверенности, заявления, согласия), апостили, переводы, доставка документов.
Русскоязычный нотариус штата Нью-Йорк
Наша русскоязычная нотариальная контора оказывает все виды нотариальных услуг как в Нью-Йорке, так и с выездом по всему штату.
Мы удостоверяем доверенности, заявления, согласия, составле...
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