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Category selected «Recreation and entertainment» в городе Arizona.

Подрубрики в рубрике:

Saunas and baths,  Night clubs,  Parks,  Organization and holding of holidays and celebrations,  Gay clubs, bars,  РУССКИЕ РЕСТОРАНЫ,  COFFEE HOUSES


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Samarkand Restaurant Glatt Kosher

Phoenix, Arizona

Phoenix, 7823 N 19th Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85021

The most interesting reviews
- Great food, great people! The one place in Arizona that brings our authentic bucharian kosher food to the desert
-  There is NO Dine-In, only takeout and catering. I looked up the restaurant on Google and saw it offered Dine-In but I didn't call to verify, so when I pulled up with my famil...
Боулинг Lucky Strike Финикс Аризона
 there are no reviews yet

Финикс, Аризона

Финикс, 50 W. Jefferson St. Ste 240 Phoenix, AZ 85003

12 дорожек боулинга
2 полных бара
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Бесплатный вай-фай
Live DJ Fri & Sat Nights
6 больших проекционных экранов
4 телевизора 42 "
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